About Me
Welcome to my world of super-steamy Historical and Paranormal Romance. Get swept back in time to the days of Kings and Queens, Lords and Ladies, Warriors and Princesses, who indulge in wanton and darkly carnal desires. Or travel to an alternate world where Enchanters and Mages and Witches use magic in the most sinfully delicious ways. Either way, curl up and have lots of cold beverages on hand - my books are sure to start a fire!

A born-and-bred Jersey Girl with Brooklyn roots, I still live where it all started – in Northern NJ. I married my very own alpha male many eons ago, and have a daughter who amazes me every day with her beauty and maturity, as well as a teenage hockey-playing son who manages to charm and frustrate me at every turn, usually simultaneously! Switching from a F-T position for a global corporation to my own business several years back leaves me in much the same position – free time is still a luxury, and I spend the bulk of that free time lost in the worlds of my own making.
I write steamy, sexy romance with BDSM themes in several genres, primarily historical. My books are filled with deliciously dominating Vikings, Knights, and Warriors and the women feisty enough to stand up to and beside them, while enjoying the decadent desires and dark delights such men wield. I have been an author of romance fiction for over 25 years, with twelve books published and counting. My titles tend to run along the lines of the old-fashioned "Bodice Rippers," with hot, sexy and emotional characters and situations that skate (and maybe even cross over) the edges of modern sensibilities.
When I'm not writing, you might find me poking around in some other twisted historical worlds, of History Channel's Vikings and Knightfall, and the sadly now-defunct Sleepy Hollow and Reign. I'm also a huge fan of the Harry Potter and the Fantastic Beasts universe (The Magiste Chronicles might be considered an adult version, though in my own world.;-) ), as well as Highlander, Charmed (classic, not new), and DragonBall Z! Thankfully, DVD's and streaming help to re-watch (or catch up!), even if they no longer run new episodes. Yeah, it's kind of a strange fandom medley, but each feature some of the sexiest villains ever. Did I mention I love villains? lol
Keep an eye out for the next books in The Norsemen Sagas and The Medieval Warrior's Legends – two series that feature A Kinky Twist on History! as well as upcoming titles in the Magically Kinky! Magiste Chronicles!